
Include sessionize.com links

Layla-P opened this issue · 8 comments

I'd love to sessionize.com speaker pages included on the cards.

Thanks, Layla, that's a good suggestion! A lot of people have one. We could either add them as "channels" in the JSON or add sessionize in the JSON as a distinct attribute and then also show an icon on the card. Either way, it makes total sense!


Just added to the page :)
Nice suggestion, thanks @Layla-P

We could later on use that to show things like "Meet this person at conference xyz" on the cards. Lets see what we end up with!

StackOverflow as well?

And YouTube and GitHub profile as well please.

The login is via GitHub. So we have that anyway. StackOverflow could be added. You can include it under channels in your JSON card.

@Layla-P planning to signup as well? 😀

@ Layla-P I sent you a DM on Twitter just to make sure you got the message. Greetings Matthias

Sorted :)