
WeBASE-Front.log [main] ERROR SpringApplication() - Application startup failed

Opened this issue · 1 comments

fisco-bcos@fiscobcos-VirtualBox:~/webase-deploy$ python deploy.py startAll
check WeBASE-Web port...
check finished sucessfully.
check WeBASE-Node-Manager port...
check finished sucessfully.
check WeBASE-Sign port...
check finished sucessfully.
check WeBASE-Front port...
check finished sucessfully.
============== FISCO-BCOS start... ==============
try to start node_127.0.0.1_30300
node_127.0.0.1_30300 start successfully
============== FISCO-BCOS end... ==============
============== WeBASE-Web start... ==============
======= WeBASE-Web start success! =======
============== WeBASE-Web end... ==============
============== WeBASE-Node-Manager start... ==============
======= WeBASE-Node-Manager starting . Please check through the log file (default path:./webase-node-mgr/log/). =======
============== WeBASE-Node-Manager end... ==============
============== WeBASE-Sign start... ==============
======= WeBASE-Sign starting. Please check through the log file (default path:./webase-sign/log/). =======
============== WeBASE-Sign end... ==============
============== WeBASE-Front start... ==============
======= WeBASE-Front starting . Please check through the log file (default path:./webase-front/log/). =======
============== WeBASE-Front end... ==============

fisco-bcos@fiscobcos-VirtualBox:/webase-deploy$ cd webase-front/
/webase-deploy/webase-front$ grep "ERROR" log/WeBASE-Front.log
2022-10-25 20:08:52.862 [main] ERROR SpringApplication() - Application startup failed
2022-10-25 21:11:35.464 [main] ERROR SpringApplication() - Application startup failed

How can I fix this 'SpringApplication() - Application startup failed' error?
I have tried stopAll and startAll several times.