Could we pass custom json metadata to algorand blockchain via react app through web3auth
Closed this issue · 1 comments
rupeshKumarAmt commented
We would like to know if can custom metadata to algorand blockchain on a signup process to either to algorand blockchain via web3 auth using react app no modal.
It would be helpful if we could pass custom metadata json to webauth3.
chaitanyapotti commented
You can override fetch and do it. A sample of how to do this. You may want to filter only for your url
const { fetch: originalFetch } = globalThis;
globalThis.fetch = (...args) => {
const [resource, config] = args;
if (!config) {
return originalFetch(resource as URL, { headers: { "X-CUSTOM-HEADER": "hello: } });
if (config.headers instanceof Headers) config.headers.append("origin", LOOKUP_API_ORIGIN);
else if (Array.isArray(config.headers)) config.headers.push(["origin", LOOKUP_API_ORIGIN]);
else config.headers = { ...(config.headers || {}), origin: LOOKUP_API_ORIGIN };
return originalFetch(resource as URL, config);