Expose the WebMIDI API to Workers and Audio Worklets
7ombie opened this issue · 1 comments
There's currently a proposal for handling input events in workers. That proposal includes MIDI events, but they're lower priority than pointer and keyboard events (and the proposal hasn't made any progress for some years).
IMO threaded MIDI should be handled by this spec. Keyboard and pointer events are heavily tied to the DOM, and cannot be trivially exposed to workers, so it makes sense to address that in a specific proposal. MIDI events are not related to the DOM at all.
Note: The WebUSB API is already available in workers and audio worklets.
I don't personally see why the WebMIDI API was ever unavailable to workers. Was this discussed somewhere? I couldn't find it.
Is there anything preventing the WebMIDI API being available to workers (and audio worklets)?
Sorry for the noise. Just found the original issue. My bad.