
Error when privacy is set to true for credential issuance.

nkongsuwan opened this issue · 2 comments

During a credential issuance, I encountered this error when I set 'privacy': true.

Error: Credential schema validation failed for EBfdlu8R27Fbx-ehrqwImnK-8Cm79sqbAQ4MmvEAYqao: Credential validation exception: {'_code': '0A', '_size': -1, '_raw': {'0': 170, '1': 84, '2': 49, '3': 29, '4': 48, '5': 175, '6': 107, '7': 139, '8': 113, '9': 77, '10': 170, '11': 187, '12': 4, '13': 176, '14': 241, '15': 111}, '_tier': 'low'} is not of type 'string'

Failed validating 'type' in schema['properties']['u']:
    {'description': 'One time use nonce', 'type': 'string'}
lenkan commented

I have encountered this as well. Been meaning to add issue and create some PRs from the fork we have been using as a workaround for several issues. Here is a quick fix for this particular issue: lenkan@4e5a23d

I will create a PR for this ASAP, but feel free to open one yourself if you get to it before.

@lenkan Thanks a lot!