
CSS not working

kunalbotla opened this issue · 7 comments

The CSS formatting does not seem to be working when it is deployed to GitHub pages. When opening the HTML file on my computer or using the serve function the CSS seems to be working as expected

Attached is a screenshot:

Hi there. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I didn’t test nor document how to do it correctly. Now, it’s corrected.

Here’s the relevant part from the documentation:
“with additionally running git add docs/styles.css -f and committing changes, it’s ready for push to GitHub and integration with GitHub Pages. It may take some time for changes to occur. GitHub Pages are set by configuring Settings → Options → GitHub Pages → Source → /docs (free for public repos)“

It’s not that it’s that the styles.css file is in the git ignore

Yep, that’s why you force push it with git add docs/styles.css -f. For further development, there’s no need for tracking of build code.

Why not just remove it from the git ignore?

I only want to track source code, not generated code. Otherwise, one loses the usefulness of a source control system. In this case, sources are tailwind.css and tailwind.config.js.

Ah ok, maybe just put this in the readme

I wrote it in the readme when I resolved the issue. (Check my first response.)