
'defineProperty' is null or not an object

11111000000 opened this issue · 4 comments

shown in IE 8.0.6001.19587
on this:

defineProperty = Object.defineProperty ||
// just in case ...
function (object, property, descriptor) {
object[property] = descriptor.value;

I can't understand...

? code, examples, where, what?

I'm seeing the same problem.
MDN indicates that support in IE8 is for defineProperty is for DOM objects only.

Repro by including jspm_packages/github/webreflection/ie8@0.2.4/build/ie8.max.js

Then note in IE Debugger the error "Object doesn't support this property or method ie8.max.js, line 322 character 11"

Which corresponds to this:

temple = self[SECRET] ||
self, SECRET, {value: {}}

I know that, and indeed it's used only on host objects. Can I have an example page to verify?

Is that XHR thing? Thanks

unless proven this is not caused by third part scripts and I can verify ... nothing to do here. Feel free to reopen if you have an example. Thanks