
Feature suggestions

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hello, I wanted to help create a centralized page to both easy, feedback and help you with the best tools to get easy troubleshooting or ready to go libraries. We can link to actions.

  • New Microsoft PerfView, VERY helpful
  • Left Navigation option: Like WP can we allow users admins to admin WebVella on the left side, grouped in sections, its more intuitive.
  • Plugin Showcase: Plugin market or list of plugins gallery like WP.
  • Roles and Claims or Groups, can we allow security based on groups inside a role. For e.g. Asia managers can only see Asia Salaries, US managers role can only see US salaries.
  • Code generator skeleton for plugins, themes.
  • Option to pre-compile view or use HTML Agility Pack (pre compiling made the site load faster)
             //Install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation NuGet package.
             //Update the project's Startup.ConfigureServices method to include a call to 
                        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
                .             AddRazorRuntimeCompilation();    

Let me think about them for some time and I will feedback what and how

Sure, 😃 just suggestions, and place holder while you think about it.

Any chance you can add a Roadmap & Milestones with feature priority.
Also a catalog of plugins, so others can develop and share WebVella plugins like WordPress
DDOS WebAPI Throttle code

Hello, It would benefit if can you please add a simple diagram showing components/objects/architecture

  1. What we need to implement to build our own plugin/entities
  2. And where they would tie in with WebErp (use Blue for what the developers need to implement & Green for WebErp)