
Blazor support

Closed this issue · 6 comments

j209 commented

Does webvella support blazor?

Currently not out of the box, but it can be added very easily. Also soon we plan to create a whole bunch of blazor components.

Blazor support

When to Blazor support

Hey, so Blazor is supported very easily. The way we are doing it is the following:

  1. We are creating a Razor Page with a url from the application page type like "/your-app/a/page-name/{*url}"
  2. In this page we are injecting the Blazor script and the Blazor as it was a normal page
  3. We usually include some CSS and JS for our Blazor dediacated WebVella.Pulsar component library.

That's it

Blazor support When time?

Hey ghd258,
We already support Blazor (server) as bzashev described the steps to create blazor app in previous comments. We plan to start implementation of the SDK plugin entirely on Blazor, but this is a future task when we have time for it.