
controller.py AttributeError: 'bound_method' object has no attribute 'low'

davefes opened this issue · 5 comments

When I tried your suggestion in issue:

to toggle reset pin (connected with all transceivers):

then transceiver.init()

I get:
File "controller.py", line 120, in reset_pin
AttributeError: 'bound_method' object has no attribute 'low'

Not sure how you came into this.

You may need to trace controller.py:line37 -> controller_esp.py:line49.

I came into it by adding those lines to your LoRaReceiver.py example:

controller = config_lora.Controller()


lora = controller.add_transceiver(sx127x.SX127x(name = 'LoRa'),
                                      pin_id_ss = config_lora.Controller.PIN_ID_FOR_LORA_SS,
                                      pin_id_RxDone = config_lora.Controller.PIN_ID_FOR_LORA_DIO0)


I am not a Python expert but at line 57 in controller_esp.py I see:

            if in_out == Pin.OUT:
                new_pin.low = lambda : pin.value(0)
                new_pin.high = lambda : pin.value(1)        
                new_pin.irq = pin.irq 

Does controller.py recognise low and high?

new_pin is a Python mock object for attaching the low lambda function.

pin is a MicroPython machine.Pin object.

So, new_pin.low() === pin.value(0)

You had the error because it should be controller.reset_pin(controller.pin_reset).

O dear, I should have done a copy/paste! Thank you for pointing out my error.

Just to clarify in the example LoRaReceiver.py and when you want to reset the SX127x:

controller = config_lora.Controller()

# transceiver.init() is run when you do controller.add_transceiver()

lora = controller.add_transceiver(sx127x.SX127x(name = 'LoRa'),
                                      pin_id_ss = config_lora.Controller.PIN_ID_FOR_LORA_SS,
                                      pin_id_RxDone = config_lora.Controller.PIN_ID_FOR_LORA_DIO0)
