
Run Time Error

rahulrksmau opened this issue · 2 comments

Error is showing when I am trying to run Example code.
I am using RPi 3 B and LoRa sx1278 rf 433 .

I want to communicate between these two RPi using this LoRa .

pi@raspberrypi:~/Downloads/SX127x_driver_for_MicroPython_on_ESP8266/examples/DuplexCallback $ python3 main.py

home/pi/Downloads/SX127x_driver_for_MicroPython_on_ESP8266/examples/DuplexCallback/controller_rpi.py:9: RuntimeWarning: No channels have been set up yet - nothing to clean up! Try cleaning up at the end of your program instead!
/home/pi/Downloads/SX127x_driver_for_MicroPython_on_ESP8266/examples/DuplexCallback/controller_rpi.py:52: RuntimeWarning: This channel is already in use, continuing anyway. Use GPIO.setwarnings(False) to disable warnings.
GPIO.setup(pin_id, in_out)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 11, in
File "/home/pi/Downloads/SX127x_driver_for_MicroPython_on_ESP8266/examples/DuplexCallback/test.py", line 41, in main
pin_id_RxDone = config_lora.Controller.PIN_ID_FOR_LORA_DIO0)
File "/home/pi/Downloads/SX127x_driver_for_MicroPython_on_ESP8266/examples/DuplexCallback/controller.py", line 64, in add_transceiver
File "/home/pi/Downloads/SX127x_driver_for_MicroPython_on_ESP8266/examples/DuplexCallback/sx127x.py", line 97, in init
raise Exception('Invalid version.')
Exception: Invalid version.

"Exception: Invalid version." means RPi cannot communicate with SX1278 via SPI interface. Mostly due to pins being connected in-correctly.

Or, you can comment out line 96, 97 in "sx127x.py" to see if the problem is fixed.

It has been 4 days since my reply, close this issue now.