
📱 Trigger easter eggs on mobile device

Primary LanguageJavaScript

📱 easter-eggs-mobile

mitLicense npmPackage vulnerabilities scoreMe

It's the special version which extended from easter-egg-collection this library for user to trigger lots of easter eggs on mobile device by 👆 clicking or tapping with ease.


🤘 Live Demo

💡 Inspiration

Thanks to awesome GIFLINKS & original source from Richard Denton !

All of the images were derived from GIPHY.

🎉 Installing / Getting started


<script src="https://rawgit.com/WeiChiaChang/easter-eggs-mobile/master/scripts/easter-egg-mobile.js"></script>


npm i easter-egg-mobile -D

For Vue users, setup these commands in your single component file :

import easterEggMobile from 'easter-egg-mobile'

And don't forget trigger easter eggs when it mounted already :

export default {
  data () {
    return {
  // Trigger easter eggs when mounted
  mounted: function () {

Magic will show with a tiny setting on HTML, keep going ! 💪

Add class name and data-src attribute on <a> tags in your HTML structure, take ghost for example :

<a class="gif-ghost" data-src='./images/ghost.gif'>Ghost</a>

So if you want to use pikachu, that would be :

<a class="gif-pikachu" data-src='./images/pikachu.gif'>Pikachu</a>

The rest of easter eggs follow this way as well 🎉 , now enjoy it ! 🍾

This table can help you find out easter eggs as required :

🐰 easter egg class 📊 data-src 💯 original source
gif-pikachu https://goo.gl/x3rX4r https://i.giphy.com/uXnif9JVu6VnW.gif
gif-airguitar https://goo.gl/qEhWwZ https://i.giphy.com/7yfb0x166Coms.gif
gif-ghost https://goo.gl/4EwYZr https://i.giphy.com/YoypIsUmXXI52.gif
gif-dog https://goo.gl/aQVAXH https://i.giphy.com/4wLJ8aC0V68x2.gif
gif-hangover https://goo.gl/aWj4U2 https://i.giphy.com/uDvz51Hu6PONi.gif
gif-winner https://goo.gl/5vcgPj https://i.giphy.com/3oKIPwZVHEiM2B3ljq.gif
gif-psyduck https://goo.gl/UQL2ak https://i.giphy.com/7gmk89ezqSjFS.gif
gif-salamander https://goo.gl/6ZJv2q https://i.giphy.com/Ny6WEYvBuBvDW.gif
gif-jump https://goo.gl/EPJRmw https://i.giphy.com/yqwAxqYAqKTmw.gif
gif-pokeball https://goo.gl/TBGpoK https://i.giphy.com/87XjvflDBlPMc.gif
gif-rabbit https://goo.gl/an1sF1 https://i.giphy.com/ClZz9cJstGjuM.gif
gif-penguin https://goo.gl/by1APG https://i.giphy.com/12GEN4WSKIBYnC.gif
gif-jumpingbird https://goo.gl/m1cdht https://i.giphy.com/d3ywbrOKTC2283KM.gif
gif-haters https://goo.gl/DuMKq4 https://i.giphy.com/L2ZFgodrsQs6s.gif
gif-dragon https://goo.gl/P3hA5U https://i.giphy.com/CJRIOrrkmtBOo.gif
gif-money https://goo.gl/frKxMS https://i.giphy.com/sBoohCuSRNYv6.gif
gif-robot https://goo.gl/yV2gVM https://i.giphy.com/7ER2Unn4hwhJ6.gif
gif-spongebob https://goo.gl/CxR6Xq https://i.giphy.com/FxAYkQqdw63hC.gif
gif-handsome https://goo.gl/2Kz7Xf https://i.giphy.com/aXPw3suOkxrBC.gif
gif-no https://goo.gl/1Gx1dY https://i.giphy.com/l1ibixfnM4qGI.gif

🤓 Developing

Setting up Dev

A quick introduction of how to use easter-eggs-mobile, first of all :

git clone https://github.com/WeiChiaChang/easter-eggs-mobile.git

Then install pingy as front-end build tool :

Save your life, save your time

npm install @pingy/cli --global

Last step, install all of the modules :

npm install

Type this command with your favorite iterm2 :

pingy dev

Everything all done now! turtle

Deploying / Publishing

Export website to a folder for distribution and ready for deploying :

pingy export

©️ License

MIT © WeiChiaChang