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This page introduces how to run the Android sample project.
- Make sure you have made the preparations mentioned in the Agora e-Education Guide.
- Prepare the development environment:
- Android Studio 4.0 or later
- Real Android devices, such as Nexus 5X. We recommend using real devices because some function may not work well on simulators or you may encounter performance issues.
- Obtain the App ID, App Certificate in the agora.io console and configure it in string_config.xml.
- Two host-related configurations in string_config.xml are ignored.
- Sync and run the project.
*However, we strongly do not recommend this insecure solution for locally generating rtmToken. For specific security solutions, please refer to Generate RTM Token。
See Set up Authentication to learn how to get an App ID and access token. You can get a temporary access token to quickly try out this sample project.
The Channel name you used to generate the token must be the same as the channel name you use to join a channel. To ensure communication security, Agora uses access tokens (dynamic keys) to authenticate users joining a channel.
Temporary access tokens are for demonstration and testing purposes only and remain valid for 24 hours. In a production environment, you need to deploy your own server for generating access tokens. See Generate a Token for details.
- Reference Quick Access
If you have any problems or suggestions regarding the sample projects, feel free to file an issue.
- Check our FAQ to see if your issue has been recorded.
- Dive into Agora SDK Samples to see more tutorials
- Take a look at Agora Use Case for more complicated real use case
- Repositories managed by developer communities can be found at Agora Community
- If you encounter problems during integration, feel free to ask questions in Stack Overflow
The sample projects are under the MIT license.