
nuget package restore repeatedly

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ylka commented

after open the project, the nuget restore repeatedly.

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seemed to be some bug with vs(package manager)

recommend to use dotnet restore or dotnet build to restore the dependencies

you can also run the build script on the project root dir (build.ps1 for windows and build.sh for linux or mac)

ylka commented

the bug is annoying, thanks!

uncheck the features below, restore packages manually may help


ylka commented

1 I rename the Directory.Build.props in root directory, stop restore;
2 modify Directory.Build.props, when comment <Import Project="./build/version.props" />, stop restore;
3 the key is

<VersionSuffix Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='DEBUG'">preview-$([System.DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss"))</VersionSuffix>

if set ss, it restore every second.

Thanks for report that and your solution, the version.props had been updated