Gosling React Template

This repository describes a way to embed Gosling.js visualization in your webpage using React and also use Gosling API functions, such as looking up clicked genomic region and raw data or zooming to a certain gene using a text input. To make the process simple, this repository is based on Create React App, but you can use React without Create React App as well.

All examples can be found as separate files under a src/example folder.

Checkout the online demo of this repository at https://gosling-lang.github.io/gosling-react/.

To start, you can either fork this template repository or follow the instructions described below.

Using Create React App

Install a react application using Create React App.

npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app

Install gosling.js and its dependent libraries:

npm add gosling.js higlass pixi.js

Note The compatible versions of React (react) and ReactDOM (react-dom) are behind their current versions. If their versions in your package.json file are higher than 16.13.1, you need to lower the versions:

npm add react@16.13.1 react-dom@16.13.1 react-scripts@4.0.2

If you were using 18.0.0 or higher versions, you will need to edit your codes reflecting the major version change of React. For example, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46566830/how-to-use-create-react-app-with-an-older-react-version.

Add the following stylesheet to public/index.html:

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/higlass@1.11.3/dist/hglib.css">

Use the Gosling.js's react component to visualize your data:

import { GoslingComponent } from "gosling.js";

function App() {
  return (
      // Gosling specification
        "tracks": [{
          "data": {
            "url": "https://server.gosling-lang.org/api/v1/tileset_info/?d=cistrome-multivec",
            "type": "multivec",
            "row": "sample",
            "column": "position",
            "value": "peak",
            "categories": ["sample 1"]
          "mark": "rect",
          "x": { "field": "position", "type": "genomic" },
          "color": { "field": "peak", "type": "quantitative", "legend": true },
          "width": 600,
          "height": 130
      // Styles of Gosling Component
      // Styling theme (refer to https://github.com/gosling-lang/gosling-theme)

Run the demo in your browser:

rpm run start

Gosling API

To use the Gosling API, you need to create a Ref that stores a reference to the GoslingComponent.

const gosRef = React.useRef(null)

  ref = {gosRef}
  spec = {/**your gosling spec**/}

if (gosRef.current) {
  // then you can use any Gosling API you want

Below is an example

import React, { useRef, useEffect } from "react";
import { GoslingComponent} from 'gosling.js';

function app(){
  const gosRef = useRef(null);
  useEffect(() => {
    if (gosRef.current) {
      gosRef.current.api.subscribe('click', (type, eventData) => {
            // print raw data that corresponds to the clicked mark
            console.warn(type, eventData.data);
    return ()=>{
      // remember to unsubscribe events
  }, [gosRef.current]);

  return (
        ref = {gosRef}
        spec = {/**your gosling spec**/}
      <button type="button" onClick={() => gosRef.current?.api.exportPdf()}>
        Export PDF

Please refer to Gosling documentation for a complete list of Gosling API.

Using This Repository

Fork this repository, and then clone it.

git clone https://github.com/[YOUR GITHUB ID]/gosling-react.git
cd gosling-react

Install all dependencies:

npm install

Run the demo in your browser:

npm run start


  • Gosling Editor (demo, code) is also based on <GoslingComponent/>


npm ERR! code ERESOLVE
npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree

If you confront this error message when trying to install dependencies, add a --force tag:

npm add gosling.js higlass pixi.js --force


“# react-deploy-github”







“# react-deploy-github”
