
Bug scroll issue in full screen mode

wardbeyens opened this issue · 3 comments

I Can't scroll after I get redirected while still in fullscreen mode.


Ah, thanks for reporting!

Scrolling seems to work when I change 'body' to 'html' here

const fullscreenControl = new FullscreenControl({
// We can assume that <main> is already in the DOM, because the map only loads
// after a log in, and by then the first render has happened.
// TODO: this might break if we switcht to SSR
container: document.querySelector('main')!

but being able to navigate away from the map view while still in full-screen mode might lead to more unexpected situations. Maybe we will depend on the nav bars in other parts of the app. It's probably better to automatically exit fullscreen when exiting the map. I'll try to find if we can do that cleanly.

I think I found a way, see the commit linked above. Let me know if it is still broken.