
Scaffolding MEAN applications. Server, client, or both.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status Coverage Status npm version

A simple generator (for Yeoman) to scaffolding web apps. Server, client, or both.

Writed in Ecma Script 6 (but you choose how you want your application, in ecma 6, ecma 5, or coffeescript).

If you like this, give us a github star, or make a issue, or pull request, is very welcome!

yo bitch


This generator, is a yeoman generator, and require following modules:

  • yo
  • gulp
  • bower

To install these:

npm i -g yo gulp bower

Install and use

First install this module as global

npm i -g generator-bitch

And to use, run:

yo bitch


yo bitch nameProject

After install dependencies (with npm and/or bower), running your project using default task on Gulp, running:


If you use client too, you can pass a flag to gulp, to open automatically on your Google Chrome (editable on gulpfile), running:

gulp --open

This generator, offer as:

Task runner

Gulp (because it's fast! Thanks to the node streams.)

  • lint scripts (using jshint)
  • dependency injection
  • compile (and/or validate) template views
  • autoprefixer css properties
  • compile preprocessors
  • sourcemaps to preprocessors and scripts
  • livereload (with Browsersync)
  • sprite images from png's (with spritesmith and pngsmith)
  • concatenation and minification (styles and scripts)
  • restart automatically server (with nodemon)
  • watch files, to running all tasks automatically
  • compile es6 client scripts to es5 with Babel (if you choose es5 has script type)
  • ngAnnotate (to Angular)



Frontend Frameworks







At moment, I added test specs to api controllers (integration tests), and Angular controllers (unit tests):

And soon, I will add e2e with Protractor. I want cover the entire application with tests.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015 Darlan Mendonça