
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.ValueTuple

Cereal-Killa opened this issue · 8 comments


2020-09-01 15:03:55.2085 INFO Application starting 2020-09-01 15:03:55.2854 ERROR System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.ValueTuple, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. at Autofac.Util.TypeExtensions.IsGenericTypeDefinedBy(Type this, Type openGeneric) at Autofac.Features.Metadata.StronglyTypedMetaRegistrationSource.RegistrationsFor(Service service, Func2 registrationAccessor)
at Autofac.Core.Registration.DefaultRegisteredServicesTracker.GetInitializedServiceInfo(Service service)
at Autofac.Core.Registration.DefaultRegisteredServicesTracker.RegistrationsFor(Service service)
at Autofac.Core.Registration.ComponentRegistry.RegistrationsFor(Service service)
at Autofac.Builder.StartableManager.StartStartableComponents(IDictionary2 properties, IComponentContext componentContext) at Autofac.ContainerBuilder.Build(ContainerBuildOptions options) at WereDev.Utils.Wu10Man.App.RegisterDependencies() at WereDev.Utils.Wu10Man.App..ctor()


Well I had win 10 1151 10586 and used the previous release (https://github.com/WereDev/Wu10Man/releases/tag/v3.1.0) of wu10man and had no errors, and I haven't tried latest release (https://github.com/WereDev/Wu10Man/releases/tag/v4.1.0) on that very first version of win10.

So maybe you try the v3.1.0?

Well I had win 10 1151 10586 and used the previous release (https://github.com/WereDev/Wu10Man/releases/tag/v3.1.0) of wu10man and had no errors, and I haven't tried latest release (https://github.com/WereDev/Wu10Man/releases/tag/v4.1.0) on that very first version of win10.

So maybe you try the v3.1.0?

Correct, 3.1.0 does work.

I loaded up the project and installed System.ValueTuple from nuget, that solved the issue!

Even though you target .NET 4.6.1 there's most likely a nuget extension that references System.ValueTuple from .Net 4.7, it's my guess.


Just in case: #29

@Cereal-Killa Thanks for letting know that 3.1.0 works on win 10 1511.

I believe @WereDev is to get over this issue

Hey, thanks for letting me know about this issue. I'll take a look at this and see if adding an additional NuGet reference is appropriate. I'd like to reduce the number of dependencies if possible. I didn't realize that there might be an issue between 4.6.1 and 4.7.x given the build instructions. I'll see if I can find a way to avoid the issue. If not, I guess I'm adding a new reference.

Looks like this was a result of updating the AutoFac dependency. I'm removing AutoFac as a DI framework is probably a bit overkill for this app and replacing it with a more manual solution. It also removes two dependencies as opposed to adding a new one.

I'm working on a few other things as well but should hopefully have an update out soon.

Ok, release 4.2.0 is done. Let me know if this fixes the issue for you.


Ok, release 4.2.0 is done. Let me know if this fixes the issue for you.


Working perfectly now, thank you!