
Numeric string node ID silently cast from `str` to `int` in in `add_nodes` but not `add_edges`, raises `AssertionError`

norweeg opened this issue · 0 comments

from pyvis.network import Network
from itertools import combinations

nodes = [str(n) for n in range(10)]
edges = list(combinations(nodes, 2))

nt = Network()

# casts all node IDs from str to int silently for no reason other than it can
# node IDs not cast to int, raises AssertionError indicating that nodes are missing
# even though the node IDs are the same datatype in the source
python 3.12.1
ipython 8.21.0
ipykernel 6.29.2
jupyter_client 8.6.0
pyvis 0.3.1

Just my $0.02, pyvis should not be type-casting node IDs at all and especially not silently and inconsistently. I spent hours beating my head into the keyboard trying to figure out what was wrong with my code and why I was getting an exception for a missing node when adding edges to my network. I thought that I was somehow filtering my dataset in such a way that I was losing a node that would be in an edge. Additionally, AssertionError is inappropriate to use here because it is disabled if the Python interpreter is running in any optimization mode. Raising TypeError would be more appropriate as it will not be disabled if the Python interpreter is running in an optimization mode.