
Some item idea.

vipches opened this issue · 5 comments

Make a jet pack to help people who falling on the pit or other place that trap them, diving gear and flipper to help people keep they breath and swin speed underwater, thermal vision goggles, you know what it does, Also I think you may make more binoculare, like night vision version, or see through wall someting like that, The X12 taser stun gun and taser, flamethrow that can install into gun,is near future, so it can exist, also I think you may need to change the transaction money into credit card, I mean, it already near future, so anyting can be litte advanced, you may wondering, why I doesn't call my freind to come here for help, well, they dont have very well english speaking, and others, eh, forgive my impoliteness, they think you may not finish the game, just like you did on the first one, so they don't believe you, I just wish this game release, I wait this game for a very long time for now, and I believe you can make it done, even I don't know how long it take., and will this game support mods on the future?

Dude. It'd be a nice idea to start learning english before doing this kind fo thigns. And wait some months before throwing ideas at a game that is still in pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre alpha stage at the moment, alright? Just come back in four months or so. And use google translator, because seriously, I'm having a hard time understanding what you're saying and it might work better to just use a program to translate your language to english like GT.

Well, I am use GT to speak english, because my english an't good enough, and other can't even speak english, I know my speaking may be strange, but I think It can't be a problem, My bad, I was too expect to wait cataclysm2 release, and afraid it doesn't finish, I will give him time to finish the game, if only he can make docs update to told us what he up to, that will be great.

He speaks fine enough that i can translate if it really gets to be a problem, I think it's a whole lot better then it could be. Honestly, in my experience things end up one of two ways with other languages.

A. People accept that some people do not know English, and make an effort to understand what the person is actually saying. This is extremely rare and I have only actually seen one case of a community that does this.

B. You get people who expect someone to learn English, one of the HARDEST LANGUAGES ON THE PLANET, in a few days.

Don't say 'come bak when u no english bro', it simply drives away a part of a community that should have just as much say as the English speaking majority. Besides, by examining my near perfect English, he may learn something and slowly get better at English, which will make it easier to contribute in the future.

Rant over. TL;DR Don't hate on other languages.

Aye! and the humanity and hope will be create by our own hand, even is the world cataclysm, or the zombie infection, we will stay together and save the day, a better day, i hope... I'm okay, Cataclysm2 will be release, right, if only we have something that can make us speak dynamic......

vipches, these are mostly good ideas! However, for now I'd like to reserve the GitHub Issues feature for reporting bugs, or requesting features which are immediately achievable with existing code. If you want to discuss long-term features and goals, I'm often in #whalesdev on irc.freenode.net, and you can tweet at me (@whalesdev) or comment on my devblog (http://whalesdev.tumblr.com).
Also, your English is fine :)