

alby696 opened this issue · 7 comments

Hello to all,

after finally solving a memcache problem, now I am faced with this problem when I go to create the first user and consequently I do not know if the others can have the same problem.

The query is located on the sections / register / index.php page on line 108 - 112.

schermata 2018-05-15 alle 09 40 26

Thank you

schermata 2018-05-15 alle 09 31 08

Try this:

				INSERT INTO users_main
					(Username, Email, PassHash, torrent_pass, IP, PermissionID, Enabled, Invites, Uploaded, ipcc,Secret)
					('".db_string(trim($_POST['username']))."', '".db_string($_POST['email'])."', '".db_string(Users::make_crypt_hash($_POST['password']))."', '".db_string($torrent_pass)."', '".db_string($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])."', '$Class', '$Enabled', '".STARTING_INVITES."', '5368709119', '$IPcc','0')");`

i have remove not null to define a database in gazelle.sql but i have the same problem in the field Title.
The primary query to insert the admin account ( SYSOP ).
Fixed this thing continues to give me errors, even in creating new users such as the screenshoot.
I tried to login the admin user, which appears registered in the table but remains in the login window but in the database tells me that I entered.

I would not want there to be an error in the query file at this point.

schermata 2018-05-17 alle 21 55 50

You removed the null because? It appears it several fields of Bank of the Gazelle, this is causing the error.
Have you followed the gazelle's wiki step-by-step?

I followed the guide step by step ... I removed the not null because otherwise it did not make me generate the first user and I did not know what value to put.

I also watched a front end video on windows, I think the most clicked on youtube and show that the first user is created without error and the camnpo secret and titel are empty.

I have also created all the files a query that generated the secret field but I did not find anything.

but if I put Secret to 0 on the query, does the problem persist with the titled field?
what do I put them?

Ran into the same issue.
I got through by allowing several columns to be NULL:
ALTER TABLE users_main MODIFY COLUMN Secret INT(32);

The initial user was created in users_main but I am unable to log in, it simply returns me to the login page with 5 attempts remaining.

Were you able to find a resolution? Any thoughts on where I'm stuck?

Any update to this by chance?? I think I am at where you were.