
Problem Checking 011_codejam

Closed this issue · 2 comments

For some reason, checking 011_codejam causes the following problem:

Check configuration has ints (-3..3), array lengths (max 3), type depths (max 2), sampling (0.01, limits 1000..10000000)  [0ms]
Checked type main::Job (8/8=100.0%, 4ms) ............................................ [4ms]
Failed function main::parseJobs(nat,ascii::string)->(Job[],nat) (340/340=100.0%, 3ms)  [20ms]
Failed function main::parseNumJobs(nat,nat,ascii::string)->(Job[],nat) (1000/1360=73.0%, 5ms)  [13ms]
Checked function main::processJobs(Job[])->(nat) (585/585=100.0%, 4ms) ...... [2110ms+11mb]
Skipped method main::main(ascii::string[])->() ...................................... [0ms]

We can see that both parseNumJobs and parseJobs have failed, but not reason is given?

I'm really struggling to recreate this one. Maybe a bug fix resolved it somewhere?

Ok, this is wierd. On Workstation I always seem to get a Failed function for parseJobs and processJobs.