
Kirstie's TO DO list - week starting 8th May 2017

KirstieJane opened this issue ยท 4 comments


  • Send back COI for Bea's paper
  • Submit MPhil feedback
  • Set up site for Mozilla Global sprint in SF
  • Give feedback on fellowship application
  • Reply to summer school invite
  • Reach out to internship supervisors re: microWOW for interns
    • Send 2-3 sentence description and title to Emma & Emily
  • Recruit more submissions for gift
  • Apply for data for the fragile families challenge
  • Upload RK's code & data to Cambridge repository
  • Find code for visualising behavioural networks
  • Feedback for K's application
  • Feedback on Bruno's blog post
  • Book travel & accommodation
    • Lon to SF
    • LA to CT
    • CT to YVR
    • YVR to Lon
  • Find time to chat w LC from OpenCon
  • Find time for OHBM SIG meeting
  • Register for Biological Psychiatry conference
  • Feedback on Bruno's blog post
  • Feedback on K's application

In person

  • Drop off cash for retirement & sign card

Peer reviews

  • A0024
  • A0025


  • Poster for Cam BrainFest - see #23
  • Talk for Biological Psychiatry conf



  • Write up documentation for how to access data from NSPN paper

Data wrangling

  • Update table of participants for NSPN & assoc studies
  • Process all scans - see #17
  • Wrangle data into a nicer format - see #22


Feedback on Bruno's blog post

Build up WOW for Amsterdam, Turing and OHBM Brainhack

Expenses for Mozilla - travel to Penn, microWOW and laptop

Closed with 14 of 37 check boxes ticked ๐ŸŒฎ