
Write up blog/guidance on getting a transcript from talks

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There's already this amazing blog by Alex Chan: https://alexwlchan.net/2019/04/getting-a-transcript-of-a-talk-from-youtube

So the action for this issue is to add that to a blogging workflow for the Whitaker Lab. The specific thing that's missing for me is capturing the video/sound in the first place, but I think Powerpoint can do it... Alternatively, I can just set something to record when I start the talk.

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Alex Chan (@alexwlchan)

11/04/2019, 08:16

Meanwhile, in things I’m excited about:

1. I can publish blog posts by opening a pull request on GitHub. Still neat.

2. I wrote about how I scrape the automatically generated captions from a YouTube video to create a written transcript: alexwlchan.net/2019/04/gettin… Yay for #a11y!

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