
Change bigint deprecated dependency for uint

Closed this issue · 5 comments

@kerber0x Hi, I wanted to start on this, but I'm struggling with the usage of the bigint. It seems to me as nested dependency of the cosmwasm-bignumber. Is this task about pull request to the cosmwasm-bignumber and then upgrade it back here?

Hello @janfabian! I haven't looked at it in details but it is possible you are right. There could be that cosmwasm-bignumber is itself deprecated and now replaced by something else. Otherwise I think what you described is the the way to go 👍

two observation so far -

I'd propose to switch to the cosmwasm_std which uses uint lib

two observation so far -

I'd propose to switch to the cosmwasm_std which uses uint lib

Sounds good to me, take it away my friend 🫡 @janfabian

@janfabian I am addressing this issue fyi