
Email Comment: Defending the public interest in this regulation

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[Email Comment, received on 4/15/2016, at 4:31PM ET]

Es de un proceso igualitario y ciudadano velar porque el estado defienda y apoye iniciativas de interés social ya que esta reglamentación va en contra del derecho de igualdad y de libertad sobre herramientas que benefician a comunidades enteras y no a empresas que cada día intentan absorber lo que por derecho propio es publico.

Jorge Albeiro Vega Segura

[English Translation provided by OFCIO: "It is about an egalitarian and citizen process to ensure that the State defends and supports initiatives of social interest given that this regulation goes against the right to equality and liberty on tools that benefit entire communities and not companies that attempt every day to obtain what in their own right is public".]