
Better docs on why we need Whitestorm over Three.js?

trusktr opened this issue · 2 comments

I see the "Welcome" doc page mentions "component system", but it is very vague. Can you describe what are all the reasons that I'd want to use Whitestorm over plain Three.js, f.e. what are all the things I get that Three.js does no offer, so that I can better understand?


@trusktr Sure, coming soon. Currently we're hardly working on whs.js v3 release!

@trusktr , a bit of a late response, but to complement Alex's answer:

  • Component based system, it makes reusability of elements far more concise. It promotes re-usability, think React.js model with its component based approach to state management.
  • Module based system, it is extensible, and built-in modules provides, like for component, a concise approach to apply functions to components. the TextureModule is a great example of this.
  • Utility component and modules. See how to create a Model object using built-in support import types, vs vanilla three.js. Utility features in whs makes certain common operations much simpler to implement, while still exposing all the internals of the native three objects. Focus on your application, and creativity rather than tying boilerplate code.

The core benefit really is, a framework for creating component based webGL applications. Keeping your code neat, your logic re-usable.