
not working for me

Opened this issue · 12 comments

Hi there
Thank you for inverter configuration v2 (btw I can't find any other version now, seems wiped out of the net)
I have tried to generate pass codes for my serial number and put them in to configuration tool connected to y inverter but configuration tool wont accept it. Says "If you are a technician and having troubles to log in, please ask for help by email support@solaredge.com"

For your inverter id only use capitals
Then it should work

I have tried all possible combinations of my serial: capitals/numbers, with/without "-"
Nothing helps

Then i An out of options
Normally i copy and paste it

In the name/id field comes the device id in capitals
And paste the tech or tech-adv password

The device id is XXXXXXXX-XX
So always a serial Number of 8 hex digits and a '-' and a checksum of 2 hex digits
So if your serial begins with a 0 then it must be included

And you use the same device id in the config tool user field

Unfortunately it also doesn't work for me, At startup it throws a unhandled exception at the connection box. If i continue with the application it doesn't show the connection box anymore.
Any chance that you have version 3.0? BTW, Do you have a similar problem ?

I'm seeing the same issue as @Jeffreyvanesch .

@Jeffreyvanesch and @justinmoninger the unhandled exception is raised because the program did not find any serial interface it could work with.
So you need a working serial interface to get rid of this error

@Whizkidzz thanks. Once I plugged in my Solaredge Gateway that error went away and it saw the USB as a serial device. That said, the v2 software seems to be for the inverter only. Do you have v3 available? I'm wondering if that version can talk to the gateway.

How to get this to work with no db9 connector on the inverter, have tried the rs232 terminals and the 485.
I just want to have it on my office to monitor what is going on, with all the craziness in the world today do not want SE to control my stuff.