
Authorization over POS in tests

erebodino opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm writing a test to live test the CAEA support, but in sandbox environment AFIP validate the PointOfSales.number with the TaxPayer and the CAEA against a database only accessible for them so you must request to them an authorization over PointOfSales with CAEA and the you can validate the receipt against them.

I found this when I was trying to validate the receipts, so with my current TaxPayer( different from the sandbox environment) it work correctly (I requested the authorization for some POS which I'm working on), but I we want to write test to the library and let them work properly that PointOfSales it must be required, otherwise that test will fail. I supposed that yo @WhyNotHugo are the owner of that keys and certificates so you should be who ask for that POS.

I was sure I'd replied to this before, mentioning that I'd requested the POS to be created.

I've just heard back from AFIP and I think it should be done.

CUIT: 20329642330
POS: 4
Type: CAEA
Responsable Inscripto.

This should work for CAEA tests, lemme know if there are any issues.