
ARM64 support?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'd like to try to use this on my arm64 ubuntu server, but seems like it's not supported, there's only x64 binaries in release and if I try to build from source, there seems to be some x64 .so files in the source tree directly so that doesn't sound good either.

Any plans for arm64 linux support, or any quick hacks I can make it work from source?

xjunko commented

Theoretically it should work if you replace the bass's *.so files with the one that supports your architecture from the un4seen website (Files are in /libs/<architecture>/*.so format usually).
You need to replace BASS, FX and MIX respectively.
Though, there might be other unrelated libraries that doesn't support arm64.

Wieku commented

Correct me wrong but I think it won't be worth it.

Pretty sure arm64 linux only supports OpenGL ES which misses required stuff for video creation. So it would use software rendering which is slow.

The only arm64 platform worth supporting would be Windows because its arm64 version has OpenGL->DX12 translation layer.