
Collections API: Implement RasterGroupedAverage

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Add support for the RasterGroupedAverage operation.

Sample input: nlcd-kfactor-request.json.txt

Expected output: nlcd-kfactor-response.json.txt

Depends on #51

Include optimizations made via #47

Here's an example of RasterGroupedAverage without any rasters to group by:



#65 is mostly ready for a look, I think, except that I'm getting some slightly output values for the original nlcd-kfactor-request input. Here's what the implementation in #65 currently returns:

	"result": {
		"List(42)": 0.22445346552610787,
		"List(22)": 0.20668663718780375,
		"List(43)": 0.23152918045304285,
		"List(71)": 0.26530274008653,
		"List(41)": 0.2639788878915292,
		"List(21)": 0.23288021817461474,
		"List(24)": 0.17446897070338138,
		"List(31)": 0.2255980250794072,
		"List(90)": 0.2502959564896539,
		"List(52)": 0.2708109404806156,
		"List(11)": 0.17810512682757315,
		"List(23)": 0.1956562087269768,
		"List(82)": 0.2680885086530039,
		"List(81)": 0.2662300594180988,
		"List(95)": 0.30244740773923695

The values for the RasterGroupedAverage op with no rasters to group by are the same:

	"result": {
		"List(0)": 9.937211446569115

Wonder if the discrepancy above is related to the misalignment issue? @rajadain do you have any other sample inputs to test for the rasterGroupedAverage op with rasters supplied to test?

The sample input provided above does use misaligned layers, since NLCD and KFactor belong to different generations of rasters WikiWatershed/model-my-watershed#2153. There should only be a difference if there is a tile that is not being selected. I'll try and generate a screenshot using the shape and layers in the input to see if we're missing tiles.

Hmm, so while there is some misalignment, we are still selecting the correct tiles:


So the numbers should be identical.

Thanks for checking that! Something's probably off in the implementation then.

I'm getting some slightly output values for the original nlcd-kfactor-request input

Turns out this happens when using a list to store the values, then doing list.sum / list.length for the average. Using an (accumulator: DoubleAdder, counter: LongAdder) then doing accumulator / counter instead brings them back into alignment.