
Question about red exclamation point above the water column graph

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A user sent a question pertaining to the Reading the Results section of the Runoff Simulation documentation:

The note about the "!" appearing if more than 5 cm of rainfall becomes runoff doesn't seem to be true... playing around with things it seems like it appears if runoff is over 2cm? For example, it appears with a runoff of only 2.3cm on the Shrub/Scrub land cover (max rainfall event & soil group A). Adding an explanation of the significance of why that amount of runoff was chosen for a "!" could also be helpful!

Stroud Center staff discussed and it appears there was an error in the documentation: the threshold for the exclamation point is 2 cm, not 5 cm. I have corrected the documentation.

To address the other part of the question, when funding permits can you please explain why 2 cm was selected as the threshold for displaying the exclamation point? Is it an amount beyond the capacity of most storm drain systems (or combined sewage/stormwater systems) for handling the excess water? Thanks!