
Share export of all FieldDoc restoration and protection projects/practices

Opened this issue · 3 comments

@mikecampagna, we discussed having you send to us your latest table of all restoration and protection projects/practices that you fetched from FieldDoc API (and will use for the WikiSRAT API).

Ideally that table would be exported as a parquet file and include the geometries, so that we could go some mapping begin the geospatial analysis stuff we discussed, especially for protection.

Because this is private data, we'll email that file to me, @SRGDamia1, and @caitlinlulay, and all put it in the stage2/private/ folder, which I'll add to the .gitignore file so that it is not shared with the public.

@aufdenkampe @SRGDamia1 @caitlinlulay The FieldDoc restoration and protection projects can be found on my OneDrive here. Both are in a GeoPandas Parquet file as well as a GeoPackage. There is still an issue with getting the restoration projects to save as a GeoPackage, and I will update you all here as soon as I figure that out. These files will be maintained at the link above.

Thanks @mikecampagna! I was able to download the files!

@SRGDamia1, after careful inspection of timestamps, it looks like the FieldDoc restoration and protection projects that @mikecampagna put on OneDrive were uploaded 8/11/2022 @ 12:26 pm CDT, AFTER his last commit fdc0c22 of that day, at 12:11 pm CDT.

Therefore, we should consider the files on OneDrive as the latest files, including for your next task: