Error importing bulma-tooltip
Closed this issue · 9 comments
Starting this morning I am seeing
@import "~bulma-tooltip";
File to import not found or unreadable: ~bulma-tooltip.
I think the problem is that in package.json main points to tooltip.sass
which isn't there. There is a dist folder.
Hmm, I don't think it's fixed yet. Now I get
@import "initial-variables.sass"
File to import not found or unreadable: initial-variables.sass.
Parent style sheet: /Users/amirraminfar/go/src/
in /Users/amirraminfar/go/src/ (line 3, column 1)
at runLoaders (/Users/amirraminfar/go/src/
at /Users/amirraminfar/go/src/
at /Users/amirraminfar/go/src/
at context.callback (/Users/amirraminfar/go/src/
at Object.asyncSassJobQueue.push [as callback] (/Users/amirraminfar/go/src/
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/amirraminfar/go/src/
at Object.callback (/Users/amirraminfar/go/src/
at options.error (/Users/amirraminfar/go/src/
Are you using the latest update ? Because there is no @import "initial-variables.sass"
within dist/bulma-tooltip.sass.
Hmm I am using version 1.0.0. └── bulma-tooltip@1.0.0
. I removed node_modules
just to make sure and did npm i
again. Inside the bulma-tooltip
directory I see:
$ head node_modules/bulma-tooltip/dist/bulma-tooltip.sass
@charset "utf-8"
@import "initial-variables.sass"
@import "functions.sass"
@import "derived-variables.sass"
@import "animations.sass"
@import "mixins.sass"
@import "controls.sass"
$tooltip-background-color: $grey-dark !default
and head node_modules/bulma-tooltip/package.json
shows "_from": "bulma-tooltip@1.0.0",
So I don't know what's going on. Perhaps a bad deploy?
I created a new project and did npm i bulma-tooltip
and it has initial-variables.scss
in it.
I honestly don't know where that's coming from.
I guess it's an issue with my npm publish because if I look at dist/tooltip.sass within the repository files are good.
I'll have a look at it.
Sorry I messed up with my publish task.
I've fixed it and republished the package.
Works now!
Glad to hear ;-)