
Example took me a while to grok

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Please consider the following for the README.

(defun my-zerop (num)
  (= num 0))

(propcheck-deftest my-zerop-should-match-zerop ()
  (let* ((i (propcheck-generate-integer "i")))
    ;; let propcheck run through all manner of integers
    ;; to ensure my-zerop matches standard zerop
    (propcheck-should (equal (zerop i) (my-zerop i)))))

For someone who's never heard of Quickcheck or "property-based testing", I think the above conveys the gist. I had to google "property-based testing" even after staring at the "buggy-zerop" example.

Thanks for the feedback! #2 has improved the example but I agree your suggested comment would help too.