
Collection of benchmarks of functional programming languages and proof assistants.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Functional Benchmarks

This repository contains a collection of benchmarks of functional programming languages and proof assistants. It is split in two categories, Checker and Runtime, which measure the time it takes to type-check and run a program, respectivelly. The main goal of this repository is to track Kind2's performance compared to alternatives.

Type Checker

The tests below measure type-checking and theorem proving performance.


Proof that is-even (2 ^ N) == true. Measures type-level evaluation speed.

add (a: Nat) (b: Nat) : Nat
add x zero     = x
add x (succ y) = succ (add x y)

mul (a: Nat) (b: Nat) : Nat
mul a zero     = zero
mul a (succ b) = add a (mul a b)

exp (a: Nat) (b: Nat) : Nat
exp a zero     = succ zero
exp a (succ b) = mul a (exp a b)

Main : Equal (is_even (exp N2 N)) true
Main = refl

Comments: Kind2 is many times faster than alternatives, due to HVM's raw speed.


Proof that (tree-fold (full-tree N) and true) == true. Measures type-level evaluation speed.

full_tree (d: Nat) : Tree
full_tree zero     = leaf
full_tree (succ d) = let branch = full_tree d; node branch branch

tree_fold (a: Tree) (p: Type) (n: p -> p -> p) (l: p) : p
tree_fold leaf       p n l = l
tree_fold (node a b) p n l = n (tree_fold a p n l) (tree_fold b p n l)

force_tree (a: Tree) : Bool
force_tree t = tree_fold t Bool (a => b => and a b) true

Main : Equal (force_tree (full_tree N)) true
Main = refl

Comments: Kind2 is many times faster than alternatives, due to HVM's raw speed.


Proof that is-even (2 ^ N) == true, Church encoded. Measures type-level evaluation asymptotics.

Church.add (a: Church.Nat) (b: Church.Nat) : Church.Nat
Church.add a b = p => f => z => a p f (b p f z)

Church.mul (a: Church.Nat) (b: Church.Nat) : Church.Nat
Church.mul a b = p => f => a p (b p f)

Church.exp (a: Church.Nat) (b: Church.Nat) : Church.Nat
Church.exp a b = p => b (p -> p) (a p)

Main : Equal (Church.is_even (Church.exp Church.N2 N)) Church.true
Main = refl

Comments: Kind2 is exponentially faster than alternatives, due to HVM's optimal reduction.


Proof that (tree-fold (full-tree N) and true) == true, Church encoded. Measures type-level evaluation asymptotics.

Church.full_tree (d: Church.Nat) : Church.Tree
Church.full_tree d = p => n => l => d p (t => n t t) l

Church.tree_fold (a: Church.Tree) (p: Type) (n: p -> p -> p) (l: p) : p
Church.tree_fold t p n l = t p n l

Church.force_tree (a: Church.Tree) : Church.Bool
Church.force_tree t = Church.tree_fold t Church.Bool (a => b => Church.and a b) Church.true

Main : Equal (Church.force_tree (Church.full_tree N)) Church.true
Main = refl

Comments: Kind2 is exponentially faster than alternatives, due to HVM's optimal reduction.


Type-checks a huge vector with several meta variables. Measures parser and elaborator performance.



Type-checks a simply typed λ-calculus interpreter. Measures parser and elaborator performance.



Type-checks a RLP identity proof. Measures performance of heavy-weight equational reasoning.



The tests below measure runtime performance.


Creates a large list and folds over it with uint64 addition. Measures runtime evaluation speed for sequential recursion.

Fold <t: Type> (list: List t) <p: Type> (cons: t -> p -> p) (nil: p) : p
Fold t Nil         p c n = n
Fold t (Cons x xs) p c n = c x (Fold xs c n)

Range (n: U60) (list: List U60) : List U60
Range 0 xs = xs
Range n xs = let m = (- n 1); Range m (Cons m xs)

Comments: Kind2 and Haskell have similar performance on sequential recursive algorithms.


Creates a large list and folds over it with uint64 addition. Measures runtime evaluation speed for parallel recursion.

Gen (n: U60) : Tree
Gen 0 = Leaf 1
Gen n = Node (Gen (- n 1)) (Gen (- n 1))

Sum (tree: Tree) : U60
Sum (Leaf x)   = x
Sum (Node a b) = (+ (Sum a) (Sum b))

Comments: Kind2 outperforms Haskell on parallel recursive algorithms.


Creates a large list of uint64's and sorts it. Measures runtime evaluation speed for parallel recursion.


Note: benchmark already available on HVM's repo. Will be ported to Kind2 soon.


Composes a function an exponential amount of times. Measures runtime asymptotics.


Note: benchmark already available on HVM's repo. Will be ported to Kind2 soon.


Performs arithmetic with λ-encoded ints. Measures runtime asymptotics.


Note: benchmark already available on HVM's repo. Will be ported to Kind2 soon.


To replicate these benchmarks, just run:

node run benchmark.js

For specific commands, check the contents of benchmark.js.


The original sources are available on Checker and Runtime. We attempt to make the test cases as identical as possible. These tests are focused in comparing pure functional programming workloads, which mostly consist of datatype allocation, pattern-matching, functions, closures and recursion. As such, it doesn't cover low-level algorithms that are heavy on mutable array manipulation and in-place loops with mostly numeric workloads.

These benchmarks are focused on runtime and type-level evaluation performance. They do not cover elaboration (yet), which is commonly a significant source of slowdown. Kind2 doesn't have a complex elaborator, thus, it doesn't suffer from this problem; but, in turn, it is slightly more verbose than alternatives in certain areas. For a brilliantly designed elaborator, check smalltt by András Kovács. Kind2 aims to, in a future, incorporate insights from this work. Also, Kind2 does not have a totality checker (yet), so, it is arguably doing less than alternatives; although the cost of the totality checker should be negligible in comparison to general evaluation, but it is still worth noting.

Finally, these the type-checker all use Kind2's Rust interpreter. In theory, Kind2 could be compiled to machine code, which would make it 3-4 faster, but the cost of C compilation would overshadow that. In a future, once we implement incremental compilation, we might be able to pre-compile the type-checker, allowing only user-defined functions to be injected. That would immediately make Kind2's numbers 3-4x lower. There are other incoming optimizations on the making, including a complete GPU runtime!