RUNNING THE PROGRAM The two entry points to the program are: - - This allows the program to be run. It will either compile the file, or print error information. Usage: python <file> [<output directory>] If no <output directory> is specified, the output .class files will be written to ./jaml_files/bin/<file_name> - - This allows all tests files to be run, and results printed. Usage: python Documentation generated from comments is available at: ./pydoc/ Some examples to run the program on are in: ./jaml_files/jaml/ INFORMAL JAML SPEC The input files must conform to JaML's syntax and semantics' based on Java 6. These key features are included: - All primitive types - Implicit type conversion of primitive types - Arrays - Support for classes (can be made abstract or final) - Inheritance and interface implementation - Polymorphism - if, for and while statements - Assignment - Interfaces - Fields (can be made static void, and/or private) - Methods (can be made abstract and/or static and/or final and/or private) - Arithmetic operators: + (also for string concatenation) - * / - Unary operators: + - ++ -- ! - Equality and relational operators: == != > >= < <= - Conditional operators: || && - Calls to the super constructor with 'super()' - Reference to members of super with 'super.<member>' - Support for String, including concatenation - with + Matrix features: - The 'matrix' keyword to declare a variable as a matrix type - A = |expr, expr| to initialise a matrix where expr denotes an expression that evaluates to an integer and specifies the dimension's length - A|expr, expr| indexes into a matrix where the expr evaluate to ints - C = A * B does matrix multiplication - C = A + B does addition - C = A - B does subtraction Key Java features not included (although this is by no means exhaustive): - Packages (All files must be in the same directory) - Overloaded methods - Generic types - Casting - Methods and fields cannot be chained together, e.g.: x.y().z.w() - Only single constructors allowed - The 'this' keyword - Multi-threading - Switch statements - Exceptions - Bitwise operators - Fields cannot be updated directly in other objects; must be done through a method Use of library classes is possible, but it is not as reliable. There are also restrictions over what can be done in Java: - Library classes cannot be extended and interfaces cannot be implemented - Arguments of methods and constructors must be exactly the correct type - Method are not checked to see whether they are abstract - Using anything which requires syntax not available in JaML is unsupported (e.g. generic types) - Only members of the java.lang, java.util and packages are included; this is because packages are not supported in JaML, so these packages are imported by implicitly - Polymorphic types not implemented e.g. String cannot be assigned to an Object. There was no need for the 'public' modifier because there are no packages. All fields and methods are implicitly 'protected', and can be made 'private'. Because of this the 'main' method must have the signature: static void main(String[] args) It is hard to give a full specification of this language in such an informal way. The full syntactic BNF specification is located in: ./docs/jaml.g. How each included feature works can be found at: KNOWN ISSUES There is a bug in Jasmin where doubles become converted to floats with static final field definition with assignment. The variable declared in for loops is in the scope outside of the for loop block
A compiler that converts a subset of Java -- extended with a matrix datatype -- into Java bytecode. Written in Python.