Documentation for CLI / Extend CLI
Opened this issue · 6 comments
I am not really sure which features the CLI already has, I saw ffbafd4 and d19ef32 added some but I was not able to find any documentation on this, so it would be great to have a bit of information as a GitHub repository wiki page or inside the readme.
In addition to that, parameters for the CLI which allow you to log-in using Steam credentials and update an addon would be amazing, if this would exist you could automate workshop deployments using GitHub actions / workflows or use it on a Linux server in general. In case this is not possible, it would be great to have a documented way on how to use it in combination with steamcmd or something similar on Linux in case that is even possible.
The CLI is not finished - for the updating stuff I will have to somehow integrate SteamCMD in with it. I will probably require it to be added to the PATH to make things simple.
Anyways, it sounds like you might want this, for now:
The CLI will be documented in the program's --help
Hey, thanks for the amazing work on this tool! Are there any updates on the CLI, though?
still w8 4 news
You may as well just use
yea, but there is no downloader feature.