
Load schedule from QR code without internet

elad-eyal opened this issue · 6 comments

I would like the ability to transfer the whole schedule to the smartphone using QR code only. It can be useful for places where the agenda is not available over the internet (enterprise environment).

For example you can take frab scehdule.xml , gzip -9 | qr , create a qr code, and then be able to scan this directly into Giggity. Example QR code:


If I understand this code correctly, the barcode reader can't do that, but it is seems easy to add.

I agree that for large conferences such as FOSDEM2019, the schedule is becomes too large for QR generation (let alone scanning).

But I want to make the claim that it's useful for some of the conferences. I picked randomly some conferences from the builtin ones and they all fit in a QR code (after gzip -9). It can be scanned from a printout or from screen and be useful for some scenarios.

examples -





JDLL 2019


35c3 main rooms only


@Wilm0r you can do it! :-)

Thanks for pinging! Sorry I'm traveling and not able to pay much attention for a while :-(

Anyway, your GUADEC2018 example decodes to 800 bytes of compressed data, I still struggle to understand how that one can contain useful enough data.. how much is that after decompression? Is that with all descriptions strpiped, leaving just 1 day of data and a few times + talk titles for a small number of rooms? The original file at https://2018.guadec.org/documents/schedule.xml is 50KB, gzip -9 takes that to a whopping 13KB..

@Wilm0r good catch... qr.exe from python-qr encoder was encoding an incomplete file.