
Check ggt.gaa.st domain verification

Closed this issue · 2 comments

See #387

Looks like the ggt.gaa.st deeplinks aren't always working properly, for example not when the user has installed Giggity from F-Droid. A quick read of https://developer.android.com/training/app-links/verify-android-applinks shows two possible issues:

  • https://ggt.gaa.st/.well-known/assetlinks.json only has my signing key, I may have to add the signing key used for F-Droid builds?
  • Possibly I may have to ask the user to complete domain verification? Not great since I think not people actually use this feature so proactively always checking this at startup may be unnecessary. Maybe best to hide it in the settings menu somewhere with a hint on the barebone http://ggt.gaa.st/ page for users who accidentally get there.

6bfa17d updates assetlinks.json.

https://developer.android.com/training/app-links/verify-android-applinks also mentions an autoVerify setting which I should enable possibly.

Seems to be good now with 5631264, or at least on an API 35 (with G APIs, not Play) after just installing Giggity using adb I have working deeplinks. There was no need to implement the second bullet point, just setting autoVerify was enough.

Tested with command:

/opt/android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -a "android.intent.action.VIEW" -d "https://ggt.gaa.st#url=https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2024/fahrplan/schedule/export/schedule.xml&json=H4sIAAAAAAACA5WQT2uEMBDF7_0Yc3Yd_xS6eGzpZ-ihlJLV0YSNiSSjXSp-944WQXpY6CnkzcvvvckMbNgSVFCeX0pIoCdWjWIF1QzWuGuE6n2GMVixaOYhVog0keOY1nWdNoS1d12gGLHIikc0rvURI6vAg-oo1dxbwe4pb3SJhgmW5D9QPV6QHH6Zq_lF4xEp6sY7ZFjfieNeACwfy19Hq3QYrHLpvS67CWOtqRktId0GL5X2e3rbNt56Cnx9dMqLU_EkIrnmIJXZtkZP396txV_H4AfCZwry8zIK1Equ_jSOKUxKqubnLEtgohCNd1CtoLzI5VgefgC0JOwSygEAAA=="