
[Bug] Corese-command sparql returns XML instead of ntriples with -of ntriples

MaillPierre opened this issue · 1 comments

Issue Description:

Corese-command sparql returns XML instead of ntriples when used with -of ntriples or -of nt with a CONSTRUCT query.

Bug Details:

Corese-command returns result in standard XML SPARQL format.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Download the following file
  2. write the following query into generic_endpoint_construct.rq
PREFIX void: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>
PREFIX dcat: <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#>
PREFIX kgi: <http://ns.inria.fr/kg/index#>
PREFIX sd: <http://www.w3.org/ns/sparql-service-description#>

    ?dataset dcat:endpointURL ?sparql .
        ?s ?p ?URL .
    } UNION {
        GRAPH ?g {
            ?s ?p ?URL .
    BIND(IRI(STR(?URL)) as ?sparql)
    FILTER (?p IN (void:sparqlEndpoint, dcat:endpointURL, sd:endpoint))
    BIND (IRI(CONCAT(STR(kgi:), ENCODE_FOR_URI(?sparql))) AS ?dataset)
  1. java -jar corese-command-4.5.0.jar sparql -i lod-data.ttl -o lod_endpoints.nt -q generic_endpoint_construct.rq -of ntriples
  2. lod_endpoints.nt contains XML

Expected Behavior:

lod_endpoints.nt should contains NTriples

Hello Pierre,

Thank you for your report. You are right; I forgot to take this case into account. I have fixed the issue, and it will be available in the next release.