
Caching remote gifs are saved based on their remote filename and not overwritten

KelvinTegelaar opened this issue · 6 comments

Steps to reproduce

$heroimage = New-BTImage -Source '' -HeroImage
$heroimage2 = New-BTImage -Source '' -HeroImage

Expected behavior

$Heroimage and $Heroimage 2 are expected to be 2 different images, instead its both $heroimage

Actual behavior

It seems that the cached file retains its previous name. if the name is a duplicate it no longer downloads the file believing it's already been cached.

Environment data

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      5.1.18362.752
PSEdition                      Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion                   10.0.18362.752
CLRVersion                     4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion              3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3
OsName         : Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
OsVersion      : 10.0.18363
OsArchitecture : 64-bit
ModuleType Version    Name                                ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ----                                ----------------
Script     0.7.1      BurntToast                          {Get-BTHistory, New-BTAction, New-BTAppId, New-BTAudio...}

Created pull request #106 to resolve.

Good catch @KelvinTegelaar!

This is actually expected behaviour... but I hadn't thought through enough the case where images were named the same but are actually different (prime culprits of this being giphy and generic "image.png").

The intention was that you could reference a large image and grab a local copy of it that you can reference repeatedly (using the online URI) without having to download it everytime.

I think what might work here is instead of just taking the file name, we take all (or part) of the URI and use that in the local filename.

e.g. -> ->

In addition, maybe a switch could be added to New-BTImage that ignores any cached images and re-downloads, this was a toast author that has replaced the upstream image can ensure the client is using the updated version.

How about:

$Source -replace '/|:','-'

Which would make: -> ->

not as clean as your example, but it does make life easier. ;)

It'll work. Humans don't need to interact with the resulting file 😂

I haven't tested anything, but assume that $RemoteFileName = $Source.Split('/\')[-1] -replace '[\[\]*?]','' could be changed to $RemoteFileName = $Source -replace '/|:', '-'

No more splitting, love it.

updated PR #106 with fix. :)

v0.7.2 has shipped with this fix in place, thanks again @KelvinTegelaar!