
Hacktoberfest 2019: Add example(s) (and use-cases) of useful toast notifications created using BurntToast

Windos opened this issue · 2 comments

Add examples of useful toast notifications that you've created using BurntToast, and feature them on this projects README.

Include any setup needed (e.g. getting the latest item from an RSS feed), the code, and a screenshot (bonus points if it's animated!)


  1. Fork this repo
  2. Create a new folder under /Examples
  3. Include a .PS1 with your demo code
  4. Include a screenshot of the resulting toast (consider an app like GifCam to get an animated example!)
  5. Add your example under the Examples section of the README for all to see!
  6. Send your Pull Request
  7. Don't be shy!

If you need a hand, let me know.

(Thanks to @Stephanevg for the inspiration back in 2018!)

Have one which hits this and #77 with this PR #79, thanks! 🎃

Thanks to all who took part :D