
Proof of M$ harassment?

Opened this issue ยท 17 comments

Do you have any actual proof of "a highly concerted effort by M$ to harass websites that link to this"?

If so, would you be kind enough to share it?

Do you have any actual proof of "No concerted effort by M$ to harass websites that link to this"?

If so, would you be kind enough to share it?

Do you have any proof that dragons, unicorns and faeries don't exist?

Otherwise, I guess they do...

(Wait a sec, that's crazy! I guess that's why it's left up to the accuser to provide proof in the legal world.)

LOL, You're quick on a post from 2015.
But you're the one accusing the author of lying on a public forum.
Surely you must have some evidence or highly persuasive argument that would that back that up?
(Wait a sec, that's crazy! I guess that's why we have libel laws in the legal world.)

@Fluffkin I got an email notification because I'm auto-subscribed to this issue?

Furthermore, I did not accuse anybody. I asked for proof of their accusation.

Anything else that I can help you understand better?

Nope, we're totally cool on understanding.
You're just politely implying the author is possibly a liar. You also have no evidence or argument to support your polite query that the author might possibly be a liar.
If you want evidence that M$ does do some odd things, that may support the authors statement, try looking here or here or here to get you started.

I don't think the word imply thinks what you think it means. What you're doing is inferring that the author is possibly a liar. All I did was ask a simple question. What you take from that is up to you.

If you want evidence that M$ does do some odd things...

I don't. Thanks for trying though!

Thanks for reminding me about this issue though...

Since no proof has been offered by now, I just reported the repository to GitHub for the defamatory statements about Microsoft that are published in the readme.

That's only the first step though. We'll see how this conversation goes once the law gets involved.

Thanks again!

Lol waynebloss, you made my day. Troll yourself and learn the principles of the freedom of expression.

Nice work Wayne.
Hey don't feel bad for my suspicions, don't take it personal.
Personally, I blame Microsoft for decades of shady business practices. Are you sure you don't want to read those articles on Microsoft spreading Fear Uncertainty and Doubt that I linked to? You seem to have enough spare time.

learn the principles of the freedom of expression.

@lemba23 Those don't include defamatory statements in the form of libel though.

@Fluffkin You're obviously taking my request for evidence personally here. Any intelligent reader can see that. But you're not bothering me in the slightest and I am happy to continue sparring verbally with you over this issue if you wish because you just look like more a fool every time you post and it's actually quite entertaining. Thanks! :)

Oh good.
See I have this theory that you can help with.
Obviously. I'm not implying or inferring you are a neo-nazi at all!
But it would be a huge help if you could provide any actual proof that you are not a neo-nazi.

WLF0X commented

Who invited the fatty? ๐Ÿคข

When you have absolutely nothing of value to add - make a fat joke! ;)

"Mu" is a comment to be proud of in comparison Wayne? ...oh shit .. I think I fed the troll

"Mu" says a lot. It's the classical correct answer to the troll question "Have you stopped beating your wife?" which is the kind of question I was replying to.

So, yeah I'm quite proud of that reply, thanks.

How is that trolling when I asked you for evidence that you've been harassed in some way by Microsoft? Isn't that what you claimed in your README?

Anyway, I'm gonna unsub this convo for now because you're obviously still butt-hurt about it 6 months (holy cow, a year) later lmao. If you're so offended by my question, maybe you should just delete it.

Yah sorry guys .. I fed the troll