
Sniffing view + Filters' panel + Bitrate chart

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The visualization of the incoming packets can be more appealing, and more importantly not limited by the MUI Table, either in terms of "refreshing" of new packets and of mere functionality

Also, the idea is visualizing the flow of the connection in terms of packets received per interval. Each time the set interval expires, the chart is updated consequentely.

Intended Outcome

The new packets representation is:



All the steps will basically affect just the frontend side.

  • Complete new table
  • Container holding all filters
  • Dynamic packets visualization based on scrolling
  • Bitrate chart - the actual implementations that come to my mind are:
    • Keeping track of the number of packets per second on the frontend (we already know when a packet arrives, due to the emit Tauri function), so incrementing a counter
    • Or doing it server-side, and emitting directly the number of packet in the current time window


Figma Project