
Verse 48 translates opens Verse 1.

Closed this issue · 9 comments

sak96 commented

val currentVerseNumber = verses[currentVerseIndex].verse_number
val intent = Intent(this, VerseTranslationActivity::class.java)
intent.putExtra("verse_number", currentVerseNumber)

this above line uses verse_number to open translation.

But the json has verse number resets for each chapter.

"chapter_id": 2,
"chapter_number": 2,
"externalId": 48,
"id": 48,
"text": "सञ्जय उवाच\n\nतं तथा कृपयाऽविष्टमश्रुपूर्णाकुलेक्षणम्।\n\nविषीदन्तमिदं वाक्यमुवाच मधुसूदनः।।2.1।।\n ",
"title": "Verse 48",
"verse_number": 1,
"verse_order": 48,
"transliteration": "sañjaya uvācha\ntaṁ tathā kṛipayāviṣhṭamaśhru pūrṇākulekṣhaṇam\nviṣhīdantamidaṁ vākyam uvācha madhusūdanaḥ\n",
"word_meanings": "sañjayaḥ uvācha—Sanjay said; tam—to him (Arjun); tathā—thus; kṛipayā—with pity; āviṣhṭam—overwhelmed; aśhru-pūrṇa—full of tears; ākula—distressed; īkṣhaṇam—eyes; viṣhīdantam—grief-stricken; idam—these; vākyam—words; uvācha—said; madhusūdanaḥ—Shree Krishn, slayer of the Madhu demon\n"

Thus the translation on verse 48 open verse 1 and not the correct verse.

so the code should ideally use verse_order instead of veser_number.

ps: thanks for the app.

#5 Fixed

sak96 commented

hi @WirelessAlien do you know which issue is related to packaging of this app to fdroid.
i am not able to find the fdroid packaging update.
i checked here:

hi @WirelessAlien do you know which issue is related to packaging of this app to fdroid. i am not able to find the fdroid packaging update. i checked here: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/rfp/-/issues/?sort=created_date&state=opened&search=gita&first_page_size=10

I don't know, according to this F-Droid should automatically detect the update within 2 days but it has not done it yet, so maybe I have to manually update the metadata. I have asked them what to do - Link

ok i see a commit happened 19hr ago. may be will check after a day or two. https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/-/blob/master/metadata/com.wirelessalien.android.bhagavadgita.yml?ref_type=heads

ooh, thanks, I did not see that. There is no issue now, build completed - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/-/pipelines/974742750
so the the new update will be available soon.

sak96 commented

looks like the build failed for this app.

you can check more stuff here

some mismatch between their build and the binary in releases.

ERROR: APK Signature Scheme v2 signer #1: APK integrity check failed. CHUNKED_SHA256 digest mismatch. Expected: <16340ecf97125512ef9310eebc5ec80529c3ca3a98a2f1e2a7ad05f6bc5e5d51>, actual: <948df443324a3bf6110a7f3197ab12c299bc5834cab6a502a6111b91178f9625>
2023-08-23 07:55:43,148 ERROR: Could not build app com.wirelessalien.android.bhagavadgita: compared built binary to supplied reference binary but failed

You have release version 3 does that fix the issue ?

Yeah, it is a reproducible build issue.

The v3 was not released to solve the fdroid issue, I added new features and I published it.

May be we can skip the version 2.1 and try to build build v3.0 to see if that solves the issue

Let's see what happens 😔

Something is wrong for fdroid.

The issue is solved now but rebuild has not started, it will.

See this - #8