
A responsive web app that adds two numbers together and that simulates an execution time of the computation on the server side.

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

A responsive web app coded using vanilla JS and the play Scala framework, the app simply adds two numbers together.

The mobile version: the mobile version

The big screen version: the big screen version

The web client captures any changes occurring in the input fields of the web page. When a change happens the client sends a XML POST request to the remote server asking for the result of the addition of those two numbers. The XML POST request is passed those two numbers via a JSON object.

The server responds either by a 200 status code and the result or a 400 bad request with a message telling the input is not a number. The handler of the POST request simulates a long execution time of the addition of the two numbers using scala Futures and a Thread.sleep(2000) call.

All the assets (JS, and CSS) are in the /public folder. The only HTML webpage is in /app/views/index.scala.html The controller code is in /app/controllers/AdditionerController.scala The router code is in the /conf/routes file

To use the calculator you have multiple choices:

Use it in development mode:

In this case you will need to install sbt and java. This is a link to the sbt website. This will allow you to execute scala code. Then go to the root of the project, and type sbt run in your terminal.

Just execute it:

This method requires less installations, it will require you to execute either a bash or a bat script present in the zip file contained in the root directory of this project. Unzip the calculetteweb-1.0.zip zip file. Go inside the bin directory it contains. Execute the bash script calculetteweb or the bat script calculetteweb.bat.

After that you can go on localhost:9000 to play with the app.