RPI 4 bare metal

This repo is mostly based on Low Level Devel's youtube series and Sergey Matyukevich's tutorial. This version is for Raspberry pi 4 model b only, since it's what I have.

Current progress

  • Lesson 01 (mini-uart output)
  • Exercise 1-3 (enable SMP)
  • Lesson 02 (sysregs and drop to EL1)
  • Exercise 2-2 (enable FP/SIMD registers)
  • Lesson 03 (system timer interrupt)
  • Exercise 3-2 (Mini-UART recv interrupt)
  • Use the GIC-400 as the interrupt controller
  • Switch to using the ARM generic timer (with SMP)
  • Lesson 04 (kernel threads & the scheduler)
  • Exercise 1-2 (pl011-uart)
  • Basic Ftrace (works, but lack configurability and slow :) )
  • Lesson 05 (user mode and system calls)
  • Lesson 06 (virtual memory)

What you need

  • Raspberry pi 4 model b
  • USB to TTL serial cable x2
  • micro SD card
  • SD card reader for your development machine
  • terminal emulator which is able to select input source (I use gtkterm)


Steps to run this on your RPI4:

  1. Download start4.elf, fixup4.dat, bcm2711-rpi-4.dtb, overlay/miniuart-bt.dtbo from RPI's firmware repo.
  2. Put the 4 files in the same directory.
  3. Format the micro SD card with the DOS partition table.
  4. Create the first partition as FAT32 (mkfs.vfat)
  5. Modify the first 3 lines of Makefile:
ARM_GNU: path to your cross compiler, with the prefixes, see mine for example
SD_BOOT: path to the FAT32 partition mounted on your development machine
FIRMWARE: path to the directory containing the 4 files\
They all should not have trailing `/`s.
  1. Slot in the micro SD card then run ./build.sh, then umount the card, plug it into the PI4.
  2. Connect the USB-TTL cable like so:
  3. Run gtkterm -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -s 115200 and gtkterm -p /dev/ttyUSB1 -s 115200 (you might have to add yourself the the dialout group).
  4. Power on the RPI4, you should see the output like:
Bare Metal... (core 0)
EL: 1
task address: ffff000000085800, state: 0000000000000000, counter: 0000000000000000, priority: 0000000000000001, preempt_count: 0000000000000000, pgd: 0000000000000000
created pid 1 at ffff000040000000
init schedule..
pid 1 started in EL1
pid 1 in user space
created pid 2 at ffff000040007000
core 0: generic timer interrupt
task address: ffff000040000000, state: 0000000000000000, counter: 0000000000000001, priority: 0000000000000001, preempt_count: 0000000000000000, pgd: 0000000040002000

with timer interrupts happening once every second and task switching between init, pid 1 and pid 2.

  1. Type some characters, they should be appended:
Mini-UART Recv: s
Mini-UART Recv: f
Mini-UART Recv: a
  1. The other output should contain lots of tracing and debugging info including kernel symbols, ftrace code modification sites, page tables and function traces.

Caveats & Notes

There are some problems/questions that I found during this:

  • Sergey said add kernel_old=1 in config.txt, but it was the opposite, adding the line render it not working (Low level devel doesn't add it either). This discussion says it is the issue of newer RPI firmware.
  • Low level devel said the RPI4's system clock frequency is 500MHz, this is correct in my testing, but I can't find this anywhere, in fact the bcm2711 (the soc on the PI4) peripheral datasheet actually says the system clock frequency is 250MHz on page 10.
  • Low level devel uses the RPI3's way to enable the GPIO pins, using the GPPUD and GPPUDCLK registers, which doesn't even exist on the bcm2711 datasheet, I used the GPIO_PUP_PDN_CNTRL_REGs documented in the bcm2711 datasheet. However they both work in my testing.
  • In both the bcm2711 and bcm2835's peripheral datasheet, the bits 5:1 of the AUX_MU_LCR_REG register is documented as reserved. However AUX_MU_LCR_REG must be set to 3 (00b) in order for the miniuart to work properly. This is addressed here. I guess the bcm2711 datasheet has the same problem.
  • The newer firmware also starts the secondary cpus different from what is said in lesson 01, check the exercise 1-3 solution for RPI4 for reference.
  • The "functions" in assembly source files do not implement function prologues, be careful not to call functions within a function, otherwise the stack frames would be corrupted.
  • For some info on the GIC-400, see what I wrote here.
  • The baudrate setting of the PL011 UART was copied from the exercise solutions, I don't know how it's calculated and is surprised that the value also works for the RPI4.
  • The tutorial assumes the kernel is loaded at physical address 0, so statically initialized pointer values e.g. current, sys_call_table will be correct, however if this is not the case, a relocation must be performed before using those values.

Useful Links

bcm2711 peripherals datasheet