
Spilt canvasView (Ejecta) and wizView (webviews)

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi all, I would like to take a vote and gather comments on the following topic:

The plan is to make this plugin available on Cordova 3.0 with plugman.

wizViewManager as a webview manager would be quite easy, but the Ejecta framework requires a lot of project file modifications and would be a bit of a pain.

I am thinking of splitting the Ejecta based view system into another plugin.

What are the community thoughts or please +1/-1 for action on this topic.


What do you mean by splitting the plug in : wizViewManager will refer to a "wizEjecta" plugin ?
This is a question that I asked myself, Ejecta is now in version 1.4 with many enhancements.
If this should allow Ejecta's upgrades

@prince-albert yes, 2 plugins, probably: wizWebView plugin & wizCanvas plugin. However, I will keep the message system the same.

Another reason is that Ejecta is currently iOS only but the wizWebView is Android & iOS supported.

wizCanvas will have new support for Android with Ejecta-X and iOS support with Ejecta.


Please check https://github.com/Wizcorp/phonegap-plugin-wizCanvas

  • It has Ejecta 1.4 support
  • Fixed show / hide / remove (supports fadeIn / fadeOut animations)
  • FULL postMessage implemented! use wizViewMessenger.addEventListener('message', <your Function>);