
miss IOS instruction on documentation

jehadja opened this issue · 1 comments

thanks for the great work !
i have a problem of bulid crash on IOS i already spend 6 hours to find solution was useless
until i open origin plugin and found this note

<< --- Cordova Registry Warning [iOS]
Installing this plugin directly from Cordova Registry results in Xcode using a broken FacebookSDK.framework, this is because the current publish procedure to NPM breaks symlinks CB-6092. Please install the plugin through a locally cloned copy or re-add the FacebookSDK.framework to Xcode after installation.
------------------------------------------ >>
so i suggest to add it to documentation please !
code for do it

cd cordova-plugin-facebook4/src/ios/
curl -o FacebookSDKs-iOS-4.17.0.zip  https://origincache.facebook.com/developers/resources/?id=FacebookSDKs-iOS-4.17.0.zip
unzip -o FacebookSDKs-iOS-4.17.0.zip

thanks again

it was for another plugin put here by mistake